
FT is one of Ireland’s largest independent environmental and ecology consultancies providing services to clients and projects across a wide range of ecological and scientific disciplines. FT’s inhouse environmental and ecology teams have extensive experience and specialist skills providing services on a range of projects such as road, large industrial developments, renewable energy projects and major waste treatment facilities.
Download our Environmental Noise Brochure.
Download our Strategic Environmental Assessment and Appropriate Assessment Brochure.

FT aims to help the environment and society by structuring our approach to meet local and global challenges. FT combines engineering and scientific skills in a unified approach to achieve the right environmental balance for our clients in the design and construction of the built environment. FT’s environmental and ecology teams offer our clients significant expertise across a wide range of scientific disciplines including, biodiversity, noise, hydrology, water quality, geology, hydrogeology and environmental data management.

Environmental Consultancy Services provided:

  • Appropriate Assessment and Natura Impact Statements
  • Biodiversity Action Plans
  • Consultation with Statutory Bodies, Relevant Stakeholders and Public
  • Contaminated Land Assessments and Soil/Waste Sampling
  • Due Diligence
  • Ecological Assessments
  • Environmental Auditing
  • Environmental Monitoring
  • Environmental Data Management
  • Environmental Impact Assessment Reports
  • Environmental Management Systems
  • Environmental Risk Assessments
  • Expert Witness Testimony at Oral Hearing
  • Flood Risk Assessment
  • Hydrogeological Investigation
  • Preparation EPA Licenses and Compliance Reporting
  • Noise Monitoring and Modelling
  • Non-Native Invasive Plant Species Services
  • Planning and Ecological Impact Assessment (EcIA)
  • Planning and Statutory Procedures
  • Statutory Compliance and Consultation

Sector Statistics

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In-situ testing of sound insulation and sound reflecting performance of 8 noise barriers on the M17/M18 motorway.

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Preparation of 14 Section 4 and Section 16 Water Discharge Licences Applications for HSE.

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Local Authority Climate Action Plans were evaluated


FT is recruiting the following positions to join the Environment Team:

Position Sector Location
Associate Director – Civil and Environmental Engineering Circular Economy Cork, Dublin or Carlow

Why join FT

“I’m glad to have completed an engineering internship with FT. The breadth of experience gained, mentorship received and company culture made it a very rewarding experience.”

Dylan Whelan

Engineering Intern
Why join FT

Why join FT

“The opportunities and experience I have gained from working as part of the FT team has encouraged and very much supported my growth as a Geotechnical Engineer.”

Emily Archer

Senior Project Geotechnical Engineer
Why join FT

Why join FT

“As a Principal Engineer I have worked on major projects both nationally and internationally. I would highly recommend FT as a company working on best-in-class projects in an organisation where your impact is noticed and rewarded.”

James O'Neill

Principal Engineer
Why join FT

Why join FT

“Since joining FT in 2019 I have very rapidly and significantly expanded on my previous knowledge and experience. Working within a highly skilled and confident multidisciplinary team of experts has undoubtedly been a major positive of my experience in FT to date.”

Eoin O'Connor

Project Scientist
Why join FT